Earn & Burn.

I recall my college days, carrying a heavy bag on my shoulder, gulping food and dad comes up to me , hands me 2 rupees (yeah! That was for my expenses) and soon after I would rush bumping into everyone so that I wouldn’t miss my bus!

Crowded as hell! I would find some spot for me to stand amidst aunties carrying groceries to women all dressed up going to office and a lot of men in the latter portion of the bus.

Someone yelling: “You must bring change! I cannot give change!”

It was the usual conductor, crotchety and grumpy asking everyone for change! It used to cost me 1.5 rupees to reach my college. I handed him over a 2 rupee coin and lo! He parades away without returning the change!

Bhai, meri 50 paisa dedo!! *** Brother! Give me my 50 paisa! ***

All eyes turn around, stare at me! I was like what?! It’s my wealth after all!! Little did they know how valuable that 50 paisa was for me! If I collected 10 of them it would be like 5 bucks! And gosh! That was a great deal for me! I could buy my favorite candy and what not!

Well that’s history.

Here I am, reaping well than I had ever dreamt of. I earn and I burn. I am happy with my life. I often see people quite not thrilled with their life, no matter how much you earn, you crave more! Your necessities, your style of living changes with time!

Mum: This isn’t how you’re supposed to be! Why do you spend so much on your arts / novels ?

Me: Amma! This makes me happy!

Well I do agree that some sort of careful expenditure must be set out to have a safe future, for your family, but I strongly disagree with people who just live saving every penny and not make themselves happy and wait until they die. Someday when you’re on your deathbed , you should be happy recollecting all the cool stuff you did when you were young and energetic, have a story to tell your grandchildren , to laugh together, to relive those crazy moments!

In my opinion, one must do what gives them a pleasant feeling. I love having supper at a good place, reading books and I love watching new movies as soon as they’re released. Of course a decade ago, none of these were affordable but yes here I am making myself happy. These tiny things make me happy. But others often look at it like I’m a girl who isn’t agitated much or maybe engrossed about the future. Well here’s what I have to say-“None of us get out alive! So why not live in the moment and make yourself happy?”

Go out! get yourself an ice cream, grab a book to read, and watch your favorite movie! Save some money and plan something big and crazy.Quit being burdened and anxious! Live for today, do not live in the magical land of tomorrow!

Spend when necessary on the small things that make you happy!

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